My station is still very much on the light side. The base comprises of an Kenwood TS-130s, used for 10 Meters connected to an I-Max 2000 antenna - which loads up nicely (without a tuner) on 10, 12 & 15 meters - 17/20 with the tuner. As well as an Anytone 778uv & Uniden 760xlt Scanner. It’s not much, but it’s home :).
Most of my 2m/440 time is spent mobile on a Lexien VV-898E (now AT778uv), or portable on a
Baofeng UV-82HP. I’m hoping over time as I grow in ham radio my station will
grow with me to ‘bigger’ and ‘better’ radios.
Note for Sept 2021, this page needs some love …
Base Station Radios
Radios! Left to right: Lenovo T430 (temporary station laptop), behind the laptop is my Uniden 710 CB,
Astatic Tri-Window SWR/Power/Modulation meter, Pyrmid PS25G, Cheap Weather Station, Kenwood TS-130s, D104 Station Mic.
My Man Cave/Ham Shack/Home Office (other side of basement) is still under construction, so here sit’s the temp shack. This setup is much more tolerable than a month ago, which was setup on a small peice of wood. I suppose it could be worse…
Base Station Antennas
Imax2000: This is the photo right after it went up. It’s still in the same place, however better mast mounting
and a disconnect box, with lightning arrestor has been installed. Super easy to bring down if needed
for maintenance or weather.
More antennas comming soon!
Mobile Station (KC1MJP Rover 1)
2014 Ford Focus Not the best of rovers, but she’ll do for now.
Antennas The important one is on the right, Tram 1181 - 1/4 on 2m and 5/8 on 440.
Radios! I did originally install the Lexien VV-898E
a bit cleaner than this, but I was tired of looking down to change things while underway (not to mention it’s unsafe!).
This is where it’ll sit until it’s replaced.